About Me
Interactive Front-end developer


I'm Suraj

programmer, web Developer & visual designer

Welcome to my Digital Portfolio. This website depicts all of the work that I have completed throught my graduation from IIT Varanasi. It displayed the growth and the progress that I have made, as well as the assignments I am most proud of. Over the past 3 years, I have put time, energy, and effort into my tasks and have learned more than ever because of it. Reflection of my work has shown me how far I have as both a student, and a person.

suraj patel

I'm working on many projects and having a tremendeous change in my skill and experience in the field of wed dev, now I am open to work, to impliment my knowledge .

My Experties


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Data structure & Algorithm

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C & C++

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Web, UI/UX

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  • 95%
  • CSS
  • 90%
  • JavaScript
  • 75%
  • 45%
  • Ds & Algo
  • 80%
  • C
  • 85%
  • C++
  • 90%
  • UI/UX
  • 75%